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Das Akademische Gymnasium Graz ist ein neusprachliches Gymnasium im Herzen der Grazer Innenstadt (Fußgängerzone), das aber gleichzeitig die alten Sprachen (Latein und optional Griechisch) pflegt.




Lebendiger Sprachunterricht, künstlerische Schwerpunkte (Meistersingerschule, Instrumentalkonzerte, Ausstellungen, Wettbewerbe etc.), naturwissenschaftliche Angebote (Wettbewerbe, Zusatzangebote, Kooperation mit Universitäten etc.), das Kurssystem der Oberstufe, der Schulschwerpunkt „Förderung von Begabungen und Interessen“ (fbi) mit seinen unterschiedlichen Angeboten, Schulpartnerschaften mit Frankreich und den Vereinigten Staaten, Reisetätigkeit, Projektwochen, Sozialprojekte und vieles mehr prägen die Schule.


Das Gymnasium hat im Schnitt 24 Klassen, rund 550 Schülerinnen und Schüler und etwa 60 Lehrkräfte.

(Text: E. Glavic)


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Akademisches Gymnasium Graz is a coeducational grammar school of modern languages situated in the heart of Graz (pedestrian zone) providing also Latin (optional Greek) as regular school subjects. On average there are 24 classes, some 550 students and about 60 teachers.




The school’s main aim is to develop our students’ potential to the full and to help them grow into successful, caring and respectful young people. In order to achieve this, Akademisches provides corporate teamwork (learners/teachers/parents/administration) and a safe, supportive environment for students within which their academic, cultural and emotional needs are met, sometimes even beyond the statutory curriculum.

Not only with its course system in upper forms can students set their own priorities in their school careers (science, languages etc.) but also by taking part in school partnerships, trips abroad, cooperation with universities, competitions on all levels, school projects, artistic activities, exhibitions, social projects and lots more.

Specially trained teachers assist gifted and talented students in developing their skills. Furthermore there is a day-care facility for students aged 10 to 14 until 5 p.m. They receive professional help with their homework, but there is also room for individual activities.

(Text: B. Cencic)

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